štvrtok 15. marca 2012

Sandra A

Elections 10.3.2012

In my opinion, the 2012 elections turned out as expected -  the election 2012 won SMER with 44.41%.
This political party, however, chose only people, who are older and I think that they have a false view of this party.They voted for them because they do not want to try new political party because the Slovaks are very conservative people. I think after a few months people will start to regret it, because what they promise politicians will never happen. I think that people have no idea what awaits them.
The economic situation in our country, in my opinion, will be worse, begin to raise taxes, pensions are still the same, national debt will rise, politicians will continue to have immunity and will spend our money on unnecessary things for example bonuses for politicians.

But anyway I think  that even if the other party won the Slovak economy would not be better because every the government  robs of the Slovaks.

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