sobota 17. marca 2012

Nikoleta B.

Elections 2012

In this year's parliamentary elections clearly win Smer-SD party. Is it surprise or expectation ?

Early parliamentary elections were called in Slovakia following the collapse of the center-right government led by Iveta Radičová. The day before the election, about 1,000 protesters in Bratislava, the national capital, protested against the corruption brought to light by the Gorilla scandal, which later turned violent.

ROBERT FICO has become one of Europe's most successful centre-left politicians. At  parliamentary election in Slovakia, Mr Fico's social-democratic party, Smer-SD won a huge 44,41%, giving it 83 seats in the 150-member assembly. This is the first time a single party has held a parliamentary majority in Slovakia's post-communist history.

Many voters of this party are older people who want to have a bigger pension. According results this elections, Smer-SD is for people the most suitable election party. His Smer-SD is against privatisations, support better legal protection for workers and recommend major public investments. 

The big loser was Mikuláš Dzurinda, a veteran of Slovak politics and a former prime minister. His SDKÚ party, which led the outgoing coalition, barely squeaked into parliament. A similar fate befell the ultra-liberals of Freedom and Solidarity (SaS).

I don´t vote for SMER-SD, but I will hope actual situation of slovak economy will improve under leading of Smer-SD.

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