sobota 17. marca 2012

Michaela B.


Smer-Social Democracy acquired huge 44,41% of the votes and became the clear winner. This means that Smer-SD occupy 83 of 150 seats in the parliament. Chairman of this party is Robert Fico former Prime Minister of Slovakia. KDH ended second with 8,89%, third was OľaNO – party of Igor Matovič, then followed MOST-Híd , SDKÚ, SaS and SNS. SDKÚ lost more than half of its voters than in elections 2010 and this was a big failure for Mikuláš Dzurinda. Therefore Dzurinda will not run for party chairman. Dissatisfied was also SNS which is lead by Ján Slota. Surprise was that new party 99%-občiansky hlas, which attracted attention with a massive advertising, was supported by 40 500 voters, what mean only 1,6 percent of the votes for them.

I didn't vote for winning party. I think that Smer-SD was voted mainly by pensioners and gypsies, because this political party increase pensions. Smer-SD is simply certainty for them. I hope that situation in Slovakia will not be worse and that will be less corruptions.

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