nedeľa 18. marca 2012

Radka B.

Elections 2012
I think, that these elections ended very bad. But a lot of people expected these results. Like my friend said, the weather during elections day was really nice, so all pensioners went to vote. And in my opinion, that is the reason why Smer-SD is the winner. Pensioners want higher pensions and Smer promised that. But where is he going to take these money from?This is not good for Slovak Republic. When Smer ruled last time, taxes increased.
I don´t like opinions of this political party, but i think, that every political party with the power would take the money for self and then would look after the other people. Now we have to find that one, which don´t want a lot of this money for self. The vision for Slovak economics is bad,but i hope, it will change. We need a miracle.

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