sobota 17. marca 2012

Jozef B.

                               Elections 2012
In all media is the main theme policy, because in our country  was early elections last week. Winner of these elections is left-oriented party SMER with 44.41%.

Next government will have a difficult position at this time full of economic crises. With high probability the government will create only one party, because other parties do not wish to cooperate and their program is very different.

For many people this is good news, but for our economy and the future is not. Slovaks choose the future government of one party, which advantage may be stability but I believe that opposition parties will check it. The great disadvantage of the one-party parliament is that they can fully assert their opinions and it may not be advantageous for all people.

I think that the policy was / is / will be good business for a few people and we must believe in positive change.

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