nedeľa 25. marca 2012

Lenka B.

General Motors company

In this video were speaking Adam Leshinsky and Dan Akerson, CEO, General Motors about the company General Motors and government.
U. S. government owned only 32 % of General Motors. This company has a problem. They have a big debt, and the government lent money, about 23 billion dollars they must return.
They have large shareholders who performed one public, they have thousands and million shares.
Adam Leshinsky asked Dan Akerson how often does he communicate with the president, because this is very important investment for U. S. government. He said that he spoken with the president twice and he met him. The president supports the company General Motors.

Slovak elections 2012

A parliamentary elections was took place on 10 March 2010. Official winner of Slovak elections 2012 became Robert Fico and his political party SMER-SD with 44,41 % and his obtained 83 seats in parliament. Every inhabitant over 18 years was able to vote. But the participation was only 59,11 %. On the second place was KDH with 8,82 % of votes. And the others OĽANO with 8,55 %, MOST-HÍD with 6,89 %, SDKÚ-DS with 6,09 %, and SaS with 5,88 %.
I think these results did not surprise, because Robert Fico is most popular politician in parliament. And people believe him and they want to try new political party. But I do not think that he will observe the all what he promised. SMER gained for every vote in this election some money and together 23 milions €.

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