nedeľa 25. marca 2012


The video is interview between Adam Lashinsky, sr. editor-at-large and Dan Akerson, CEO, General Motors. They talk about a loan which needs to be repaid to US government. They also mention that US government owns 32 % of GM. So government has 1/3 of GM and it is a large number of ownership. There is a question about representation.

They talk about board of directors or something like that, about a system in GM and responsibility. Dan Akerson talks that they have responsibility to every shareholder. Doesn´t matter if he owns one or million shares. For example there is also Canadian government which put money into company.

Dan Akerson has communicated with the president of US twice. It is very important part of cooperation. The president of US visited the Detroit´s plant with the president of Korea and it was about South Korea involvement too. Dan Akerson talks that obviously president is supporter of the company but objectively Canadians they don´t want to involve themselves and they are running other business.

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