sobota 12. mája 2012

Martin Bu. Oprava

What do you think about Ben B. ?
What is the QE3 ?
What does Ben B. think about the cost ? 
What does Ben B. think about the Fed´s current policy ?
What does Ben B. think about the rapid improvement in the labour market ? 
Why has the employment been growing ?
Why doesn't he push for more now given the existing forecasts ?
What is the strongest argument ?
What is the policy target ?
What does 2 % rate of inflation mean ? 

nedeľa 6. mája 2012

Gabriela A. oprava

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What was the topic of Bernanke´s speech?
Where Ben Bernanke delivered his speech?
When was the recession?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
What is the QE3?
How quickly is growing employment per quarter?
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What rate of employment growth is consistent with labour inflation?
What level of inflation the current government want to achieve?

štvrtok 3. mája 2012

Jaroslav B. - oprava

Who is Federal Reserve Chairman?
What is QE3?
What does Ben think about costs?
What did Mr. Duy say about QE3 in article?
When was the deep recession?
What rate of employment growth is in accordance with labour inflation?
What is current policy target?

Jozef B. oprava

Who did give a speech on America's labour market?
What kind of job does Ben Bernanke have?
What does QE3 mean ?
What did Mr Duy say?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate?
Which argument is the strongest?

streda 2. mája 2012

Jakub B.

Election 2012

 On the 10 March 2012 were  parliamentary elections. Winner of these elections is left-oriented party SMER with 44.41%.

I think, that these elections ended  bad for most population under the 30. But a lot of people expected these results, becouse  when rightside parties had power they ruin it. They have many disputes bethween them, so i am not surprised that Smer win it. Also, Smer have a big number of their voters in age 50  and higher, and that is a lot of votes for them.

I mean, that Smer want to do a social policy but now they wil not have enough money for that. So a think that after this 4 years Smer lose lot of their voters becouse the situation in all Europe compel Smer to save money and that their voters dont like.   

General motors company

In this video were speaking Adam Leshinsky and Dan Akerson,who is current CEO and Chairman of the General Motors about the company General Motors and government.
U.S government owned 32% of General Motors, so it`s means that General Motors has a big debt. Government borrowed the General Motors 23 mil. and now these money need to be repaid by US government. In video they talked also that government and General Motors do not cooperate, government do not have representation in a boardroom.
Adam Leshinsky said that he spoken with the president twice and he met him. The president supports the company General Motors.

A wonderland of chocolate

This video is about the largest manufacture chocolate company, Koppers Chocolate. Jeff Alexander is the co-owner of this company. The company started with producing chocolate in 1937, by Alexander's grandfather and David Koppers. Today it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate. When the company starded, they  made  the chocolate lentils. They were only ones, whitch made lentils.Company currently employs around 50 employers and had a profit about 10 to 15 million dollars.

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What did he suggest in his speech?
What did Bernanke think about rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months ?
What does Ben Bernanke think about Fed`s current policy?
What will hapen if the economy maintains this pace of improvements?
How quickly is  growing employment per quarter?        
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate and how?
What is the strongest argument?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?

pondelok 30. apríla 2012

Oliver B. - oprava

What we should keep in mind about recovery ?
Why Mr Duy say that he sounds like a broken record ?
What is Fed willing to tolerate ?

Radka - oprava

What is rapid improvement in labour markets according to Mr.Bernanke?
What does he think about costs of additional easing?
What wolud happen, if he´s wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement?
And what is real possibility, if Mr Bernanke is right?

What is the strongest argument?
What will happen if the economy maintains this pace of improvements?
What does Mr.Bernanke suggest?

Oprava Martin Be.

Does he appear to thinkthe Fed´s current policy is sufficient ?
Who gave a speech on America´s labour market ?
What did Bernanke suggest ?
Which possibility does he leave open ?
What does Mr. Bernanke think about rapid improvement on labour market ?
What will happen when Bernanke is wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement ?
What will happen when is right ?
How much has been employment growing ?
What is effect of Fed ?
What percent of inflation can be the strongest argument ?

streda 25. apríla 2012

Lenka B.

What did Ben Bernanke say on America ´s labour market?
What is the QE3?
Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What does Ben Bernanke think about the costs?
What is possibility,which he leaves open?
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate ?
What is a 2% rate of inflation?

nedeľa 22. apríla 2012


Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What was the speech Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke?
What is the QE3?
What does Mr Bernanke things about rapid improvement in labour markets?
What was observed past three months?
What was mentioned about employement?
What said Mr.Duy about QE3?
What does it mean that QE3 is off the table?
What is policy target?
What is 2% rate of inflation?

Nikoleta B.

When was the recesion which is mentioned in issue ?
What does Ben think about rapid improvement in the labour market ?
What was talked about employment?
How much is employment growing at about a quarter of the year?
What does Fed think about current policy?
What does Fed think about a 2% rate of inflation?
What does it mean that QE3 is off the table ?
When gave Federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke a speech ?

Michaela B. - oprava

What said Mr.Duy about QE3? - What did Mr.Duy say about QE3?
Where did Ben Bernanke have a speech?
What was a substantial constraint on recovery?
What was talked about Fed's willingness to tolerate?

Brilla M.

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What does Mr. Bernanke think about Fed`s current policy?
What is the QE3?
What did Tim Duy say ?
When was the recession which is in text ?
What is present policy target?
What is the growth rate of employment ?
Why the Fed would not be willing to engineer anything faster than over the past months?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate ?
What is a 2% rate of inflation?

Veronika B.

What did Ben Bernanke say on America "s labour market?
What is the QE3?
What does Bernanke suggest about the recent rapid improvements in unemployment?
What does Fed think about current policy?
In which years was the deep recession?
What caused this recession?
How quickly is growing employment per quarter?
What is a substantial constraint on recovery?
According to Mr Duy, why is QE3 off the table?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?

Sandra A.

Where was the speech by the President of the Federal Reserve?
What was the speech of Ben Bernanke?
What is the QE3?
What does Ben Bernanke think about the cost?
What does Ben think about the Fed´s currenty policy?
What did Mr.Duy say about QE3?
What does Ben think about rapid improvement in the labour market ?
How was the growth of the employment quarter of the year?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate and how?
What is the strongest argument?

nedeľa 15. apríla 2012

Petra B.

Who is Ben Bernanke?
What about Ben Bernanke gave a speech?
What does Bernanke suggest about rapid improvements in unemployment?
What does Mr. Bernanke think about rapid improvement in labour markets?
What does Ben Bernanke think about Fed`s current policy?
What will hapen if the economy maintains this pace of improvements?
What if he is right and the pace of improvement slows?
When was the recesion which is mentioned in text ?
What was the growth of the employment per quarter?
What is the strongest argument?

Gabriela A.

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What was the topic of Bernanke´s speech?
Where Ben Bernanke gave his speech?
What Mr. Bernanke thinks about Fed´s current policy? 
What Mr. Bernanke thinks about the rapid improvement in labour market?
What is the QE3?
How quickly is  growing employment per quarter?
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What rate of employment growth is consistent with labour inflation?
 What rate of inflation want to achieve current policies?

Michaela B.

Who is Ben Bernanke?
What did he suggest in his speech?
What did Bernanke think about rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months?
What said Mr.Duy about QE3?
What was talked about employment?
What was consistent with rate of employment growth  ?
What was Fed willing to tolerate?
What is a substantial constraint on recovery?
Who could have a substantial stimulative effect on the economy ?
What is present policy target?

Oliver B.

Who is Ben Bernanke ?
Where did Ben Bernanke give a speech ?
What Ben Bernanke suggest  in essence ?
What is QE3 ?
What did Mr. Duy say ?
What does it mean that QE3 is off the table ?
When is the another round of assets purchases a real possibility ?
How high has employment been growing in first quarter ?
When The FED realizes that quantitative easing hasn´t positive effect to economy recovery ? :) 

Jaroslav B

Where did Ben Bernanke give a speech?
What does QE3 mean?
What did Bernanke suggest?
What do you think about his leaving open the possibility?
What does Ben think about rapid improvement in labour markets?
What did Mr. Duy say?
Why has the employment been growing?
What does Fed tolerate?
What is the strongest argument?
What is 2% rate of inflation?

Veronika B.

Who is Ben Bernanke?
Who gave a speech on America"s labour market?
What are the QE3?
What did Bernanke suggest?
What did Mr Duy say about QE3?
What Mr Bernanke think about rapid inprovement in labour market?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
How much jobs per quarter has been the employment growing?
Which effect could have the Fed?
What does think Fed about a 2% rate of inflation?

sobota 14. apríla 2012

Radka B.

Where did Ben Bernanke give a speech?
What does he think about costs of additional easing?
What does QE3 mean?
What does Mr Duy say about QE3?
How high has employment been growing?
What does Mr Bernanke think about rapid improvement in labour markets?
Which choice is a poor choice relative to avaliable alternatives?????? what do you mean by this????
What would happen,if economy were able to maintain that pace?
What wolud happen, if he´s wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement?
And what is real possibility, if Mr Bernanke is right?

nedeľa 8. apríla 2012

Sandra A.

Where did the speech takes place by the President of the Federal Reserve?
What was the speech Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke?
What are the QE3?
What does Ben Bernanke thinks about the cost?
What does Ben thinks about the Fed´s currenty policy?
What said Mr.Duy about QE3?
What does Ben thinks about rapid improvement in the labour market ?
How much employment is growing at about a quarter of the year?
What the Fed is willing and how to tolerate?
What is the strongest argument?

Nikoleta B.

Who is Ben Bernanke?
Who gave a speech on America's labour market?
What did Bernanke suggest in essence ?
What does Mr Bernanke thinks about rapid improvement in labour markets?
What will happen when  the pace of improvement slows?
Why does Bernanke not appear to think the Fed's current policy is sufficient to generate labour market?
What is Fed willing to tolerate ?
How much jobs per quarter has been the employment growing ?
Who could have a substantial stimulative effect on the economy ?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?

štvrtok 5. apríla 2012

Jozef B.

Where did Ben Bernanke give a speech?
Who is Ben Bernanke?
What did Bernanke suggest about rapid improvements in unemployment?
What does Bernanke think about current policy?
What is possibility,which he leaves open?
What are the consequences if the economy maintains this pace of improvement?
What will happen when he is right, and the pace of improvement slows?
What is the growth rate of employment when total employment is, conservatively, 7m jobs short of trend?
What does Fed tolerate?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?

utorok 3. apríla 2012

Lenka B.

Who did give a speech on America's labour market?
What does Bernanke suggest in essence?
What  doesn´t Bernanke  appear to think?
Why does Bernanke think that the Fed's current policy isn´t sufficient to generate labour market improvements over the past three months?
What will happen when  the pace of improvement slows?
Why the Fed wouldn´ t be willing to engineer anything faster than over the past three months?
Why the employment has been growing?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
Why doesn´t Fed any meaningful overshooting?
What is the strongest argument?

pondelok 2. apríla 2012

Martin Be.

Where did the speech takes place ?
Who gave a speech on America´s labour market ?
What did Bernanke suggest ?
Which possibility does he leave open?
What does Mr Bernanke think about rapid improvement on labour market?
What will happen when Bernanke is wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement ?
On the contrary what happen whne he is right ?
How much jobs per quarter has been the employment growing ?
Which effect could have the Fed?
What percent of inflation can be the strongest argument?

nedeľa 1. apríla 2012


Questions with what, when, where, which, who(m), whose, why, how request specific information about something, and the circumstances surrounding actions and events (e.g. time, manner, place).The anticipated response to such questions is not yes or no, but information which provides the missing content of the wh-word:[discussing a new type of cooking grill]
Whose turn is it to wash up?

 How are you feeling?

A wh-question may include an emphatic do-auxiliary. In speech, the auxiliary is stressed. Such questions often occur in contexts where the asker feels they have not been given information they wanted or expected.
Non-emphatic wh-questions do not use auxiliary do when the wh-word is the subject. Emphatic wh-questions involve do-auxiliary even when the wh-word is the subject of the verb:
Who wants coffee?(non-emphatic) (Who does want coffee?)
What did happen in the end?  (emphatic)
A:   There was hardly anybody there.B:   Oh really? Who did turn up?(emphatic)


Jeff Alexander, co-owner of the chocolate company talks us a short introduction about his company - Koppers. It produces 450 different kinds of chocolates. It was found in 1937 by two manufacturers, his grandfather and David Kopper. When the company started they were the only that made a special product chocolate lentils. They originated a gummy bears, a popular and very favourite product and most of fruits and nuts chocolates which are today pretty famous. Their product is in many stores and supermarkets. They have about 50 employees and their sales are about 10-15 million dollars. They think about other location.

Read the text and then write down ten questions about it. Don´t write yes/no questions)
Try overshooting for once, please

March 27th 2012, 17:04 by R.A. | WASHINGTON

YESTERDAY, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a speech on America's labour market that has central bank tea-leaf readers speculating over its implications for a new round of asset purchases—QE3. Tim Duy has what seems like the most reasonable read of the present FOMC stance.
In essence, Bernanke suggests that the recent rapid improvements in unemployment reflect largely a reversal of out-sized deterioration experienced during the recession. As such, we should not expect a slower pace of improvement given current growth forecasts. Under such conditions, I believe, Bernanke would push for another round of QE - although it stills begs the question of why he doesn't push for more now given the existing forecasts. But he hasn't, so we can only infer that he thinks the costs of additional easing outweigh the benefits.
He leaves open the possibility, however, that labor markets will continue to improve at the recent pace, in which I think QE3 is off the table.

Let me restate that. Mr Bernanke thinks that rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months is a product of catch-up from previous underperformance (given observed growth in GDP). He does not appear to think the Fed's current policy is sufficient to generate labour market improvements as fast as what we've seen over the past three months. If he is wrong and the economy maintains this pace of improvement, then, as Mr Duy says, QE3 is off the table. If, however, he is right, and the pace of improvement slows, then another round of asset purchases is a real possibility.

Simpler still: the Fed is willing to engineer a labour-market recovery like that observed over the past three months, but would not be willing to engineer anything faster than that.

Keep in mind that the recovery observed over the past three months is a decent one, but not the one we'd expect or hope to see after a downturn as deep as the recession from 2007-2009. Employment has been growing at roughly 750,000 jobs per quarter, at a time when total employment is, conservatively, 7m jobs short of trend. If the economy were able to maintain that pace, in other words, it would still be a bit short of full employment two years from now. And of course, this rate of employment growth was consistent with stable to falling rates of labour compensation and inflation.

I realise I sound like a broken record, but it is remarkable the extent to which the Fed is willing to tolerate a very long period of costly labour-market weakness rather than tolerate any meaningful overshooting on the inflation side. This pathological obsession with the prevention of any meaningful overshooting is itself a substantial constraint on recovery. Forget QE3; the Fed could have a substantial stimulative effect on the economy merely by signaling that it would tolerate a year or two of above-target inflation. That the Fed is nonetheless unwilling to do this is perhaps the strongest argument of all that the present policy target—a 2% rate of inflation—is a poor choice relative to available alternatives.

Jozef B

The main theme of the video is description and history of company Koppers Chocolate. Jeff Alexander owns a part of this company and gives us basic informations. Company was founded by two persons- Alexander`s grandfather and David Kopper. Koppers chocolate started with production in 1937 and produces 450 kinds of different chocolate. It was the first company that produced colorful small lentils- small chocolate disks. Now they offer chocolate cower gummy-bears and chocolate cower fruits and it is famous brand of sweets for many people. Their products have a special place in market.For this company work 50 employees their sales are 10-15 milion dollars.

Oliver B.

This video is about Koppers company which is the largest manufacture of chocolate in Manhattan. Jeff Alexander is Chief executive officer of Koppers and he is talking about company and their products. Koppers company was founded in 1937 by Jeff´s grandfather and David Kooper.

In present time company has a fifty employees. When the company began production, they were the only company in a country which produced lentils, small chocolate disks with chocolate feeling and covered by coloured surface with shine, they also offer a fruit chocolate and other interesting chocolate products. Now their sales are 10-15 milion dolars.

Martin Be.

This video was about the largest manufacturer of chocolate in Manhattan named Koppers. Jeff Alexander talking that they produces about 450 different kind of chocolate the worlds largest provider. Koppers chocolate company started in 1937. It was founded by two men Jeff Alexander´s grandfather (papi) and David Kopper.In the begining of company they were the only one who made chocolate lentils. They originated chocolate covered by gummy bears which is very popular between people.Every chocolate product made by Koppers has special place in supermarket where .
The company has about 50 employees and earnings 10 to 15 million dollars .

Gabriela A.

It´s about a company Koppers Chocolate. Koppers chocolate started in 1937 by Jeff´s grandfather and David Kopper, who shortly retired after starting company. 
When company started we only company in country that made chocolate lentils - small chocolate disks.
Koppers Chocolate produces 50 kinds of chocolate.
They invented chocolate covered gummy bears, which are very popular.
They have 50 employees and their sales is 10 - 15 million dolars.
Koppers wants to have some other location to expand their manufacturing.

Miroslav B.

           Koppers chocolate is perhaps the biggest and also the last manufacturer of chocolate in Manhattan.
          Koppers produces incredible450 kinds of different chocolate. It is also the first company which started to produce small lentils – small chocolate disks covered in a colorful sugar icing. Actually, they originated chocolated gummy bears, too, and the chocolates with the fruit flavor now know all the people round the world.
          All the products of Koppers are sold in supermarkets where they have a special place.
          The company was found in 1937 by Jeff Alexanders´ grandfather and David Kopper who retired a short time after starting in a company. Now it is a Ltd company, which employ 15 employees. Their annual sales are about 10 – 15 millions dollar.

Nikoleta B.

Jeff Alexander is the co-owner of the largest manufacturer chocolate company called Koppers. The company started producing chocolate in 1937 and it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate today. This company was founded by two men -  David Kopper and his grandfather. Koppers company was the first manufacture, which began to produce a lentils in different colours. Nowadays, company make a lot of chocolate products such as chocolate cower gummy-bears, espresso beans and fruits and nuts covered by chocolate. All koppers products are placed in special sector in supermarkets. In these days, Koppers company engages about 50 employees and their sales are 10-15 milion dolars.

Martin Bu.

This short video talking about the chocolate company Koppers. This company produces 415 differents kinds of chocolates treasuries. According to Alexander Jeff the co-owner of the company founded in 1937 by his grandfather and David Copper in UK, when a company started they were the only company in a country which produced chocolate lentils in bright colours. Today chocolate paints are famous for their originality which people enjoy. The products of the company are chocolate cower espresso beans, chocolate cower gummy-bears and chocolate cower fruits and nuts. Products are offered in special stores and specially sections of supermarkets. Kopper is a private label. Company has about 50 employees. 

Michaela B.

In this video, Jeff Alexanders is talking  about Koppers chocolate, the larges chocolate manufacture company, which produces 450 different kind of chocolate. Koppers chocolate started in 1937 and it was founded by Jeff's grandfather and David Koppers who retired early after starting the company. This company was first manufacture in a country which made chocolade lentils. They invented also very sweet covered gummy bears. Most of the chocolate covered food people enjoyed today. Koppers engages about 50 empoyees and their sells earn is in10 to15 milion dollars range. They work in a comfortable way and there is a posibility of growth in this business.

Jaroslav B

This short video is about a chocolate company Koppers. In video Jeff Alexander, co-owner of this corporation, talking about production of chocolate. Koppers was set up by two persons – his grandfather and David Kooper. They started do business concernig chocolate in 1937. Now Koppers produces and offers different kinds of chocolate in various sort, colors and so on. They also began to produe lentils, which are very favourite for children. Production of Koppers has important function in sectors of supermarkets. This chocolate company engages about 50 employees and their sales are 10 to 15 million dollars.

Veronika B.

This video is about the chocolate company KOPPERS. Jeff Alexander, co-owner of Kopper Chocolate, is speaking about the chocolate manufacture.
This company started producing in 1937 and it was started by two gentleman´s his grandfather and David Kooper.
When the company started produce , they were only company in a country with production lentils - small chocolate disk covered by coloured surface and shine. The lentils are favourite among people on all the world. This product is very special in stores or supermarkets. Today it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate.
This favourite company has about 50 employees and their sales are 10 to 15 million dollars.

Petra B.

Koppers Chocolate

In this video, CO – owner Jeff Alexander`s talking  about his large manufacture, called Koppers Chocolate. This company started at 1937 and it produces about 450 different kinds of chocolate. It was founded by two men, Alexander`s grandfather and David Kopper. When this company started, they were only company in a country, that made chocolate lentils, small chocolate disks of different colors.  Very popular is also chocolate covered gummy bears. Most of the chocolate covered food people enjoyed today. Koppers Chocolate has about 50 employees and it has special sectors of supermarkets in the NY and all of the country.

piatok 30. marca 2012

Lenka B.

In this short video is speaking Jeff Alexander, co-owner of Kopper Chocolate, about the chocolate manufacture.
Chocolate started in 1937, that was started by two gentlemen, his grandfather and David Kopper. They produce about 450 different kinds of chocolate. When the company started, they were the only company in a country, they began to produce lentils, small chocolate disks with chocolate feeling and covered by coloured surface with shine. Their product is special. And the chocolate is very popular in the world.
In Kopper Chocolate are 50 employees. The company sales are 10 – 15 million dollars.

štvrtok 29. marca 2012

Sandra A.

This video is about the largest manufacture chocolate company, who name is  Koppers. The company started producing chocolate in 1937, founded by Alexander's grandfather and David Koppers.
When it began production in the country to offer only a small chocolate disk,smarties and now the company offers so many kinds of chocolate,who are different colors, also offer chocolate fruit and other interesting products.
Company currently employs around 50 staff and had an estimated earnings of about 10 to 15 million dollars.

Radka B.

This video is about Koppers Chocolate. Jeff Alexander is the co-owner of this company. Koppers Chocolate started at 1937. Today it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate. When the company starded, they were the only ones that made the chocolate lentils. They have chocolate-covered espresso beans over 40 years ago and 40 different varieties of its. They also have popular ogirinated chocolade-covered gummy bears. The products are in every special ?tea? store or ?tea? sectors of supermarkets They are a boutique company.The company has about 50 employees and their sales are 10-15 milion dolars.

nedeľa 25. marca 2012

A wonderland of chocolate

Listen to Jeff Alexanders  talking about a chocolate company Koppers and write down the brief summary (100 to 150 words).

Miroslav B.

          The video is kind of interview. The interviewee is an editor Adam Lashinsky who is asking questions Dan Akerson – The CEO of General Motors.
          General Motors is an organization which is the largest vehicle producer in the world. In the past, General Motors took a loan from US government in order to not become bankrupt. This loan was all repaid back.
          The US government is also the shareholder in General Motors – it owns 32% of the company.
          Dan Akerson was also asked question if he ever spoke to the US president Obama. He answered yes, twice while he is a CEO. It was when the American president visited the General Motors factory in Detroit.

TRANSCRIPT: The man running the biggest American automaker spoke with Fortune's Adam Lashinsky in a wide-ranging interview covering the company's biggest challenges

Read the transcript and check what you wrote about it:
FORTUNE -- Daniel Akerson is every inch the businessman. In fact, he uses that word to describe himself, as if he needs to remind listeners that the man running a company so prominently saved by the U.S. taxpayers comes from the world of commerce. After a career in telecommunications and private equity, Akerson is an unlikely chief executive of General Motors. Famously at this point, he is not what Detroiters call a "car guy." He's also a Republican, thrust into the position of defending a Democratic president's passions for an electric car and the salvation of the U.S. auto industry. (He claims to have spoken to the president twice since becoming GM's CEO in September, 2010.)

Akerson visited the West Coast recently and sat down for an on-camera chat with Fortune's Adam Lashinsky on March 7 in San Francisco. He defends the "bailout" of the car companies as articulately, or more so, than any politician. He also acknowledges that GM needs to close factories in Europe, though he explains why it would be tough to kill the Opel brand in Germany, despite the successful if painful termination of historic U.S. brands, including Oldsmobile and Pontiac. Akerson seems downright befuddled—and clearly frustrated—by the politicization of the Chevy Volt, a project started at GM well before President Obama ran for office. He claims to have no idea when the United States will sell its sizeable stake in GM, and he thinks it makes all the sense in the world that the citizenry of the nation shouldn't be represented on the GM board of directors despite owning more than a fourth of the company. These are just some of the topics covered in a wide-ranging conversation, an extremely lightly edited transcript of which appears below.

ADAM LASHINSKY: So, I'd like to start if you could clear up something in my mind that I assume confuses a lot of people out there as well, which is this business of the U.S. government's investment in General Motors. The government owns about 32% of General Motors. That's common stock as I understand it, but that's often characterized as a loan that needs to be repaid to the U.S. government. Can you explain the right lingo to me on that, please?

DANIEL AKERSON: Well, I mean, you're a pretty smart, financial savvy guy. There was debt, there was preferred, and there was common stock that the government owns. And we've paid back all of our debt, we've repaid all of our preferred, and we sold down from 60 plus, 62%, on a fully diluted basis they actually owned 27% of the company, and all of that was remitted to the government. That total is just around 23, $24 billion has been returned.

So, do we owe them in the sense of debt? They're a shareholder now. In fact, they're our largest shareholder, and they have the ability, at their call not ours, to sell that stock at any one point in time. So, there's nothing owed in the sense of there's equity that they own, which is not debt.

ADAM LASHINSKY: So, by your characterization it's the government's call more than it's General Motors' call when the government will end its ownership in General Motors.

DANIEL AKERSON: Clearly. We have large shareholders. We have 200,000 plus. We have a marquis listing of first tier, bold bracket pension funds and whatnot and mutual funds. The government is a large shareholder. They're not in the boardroom, they don't have representation in the boardroom.

ADAM LASHINSKY: Why not, by the way? Excuse me, wouldn't it make sense for such a large shareholder, almost a third of the shares, to have representation?

DANIEL AKERSON: Well, I think that's a question better asked of the government, but I think what they wanted, I don't know anything about politics or the management of a national economy, and I think they, in my opinion, wisely said, let's get -- they brought in a new board after the bankruptcy, reconstituted the board with old directors, if you will directors that were there prior to the bankruptcy. I came in with that new group, and they said, okay. I think they would have had trouble getting business executives to come in and say, is the government going to manage this business or are we going to have businesspeople manage the business.

ADAM LASHINSKY: Can you explain to me what level of interaction there is? There's no formal board representation. Is there a monthly interaction, is there someone minding the store from their perspective, in other words, formally?

DANIEL AKERSON: No, no. Remember, I have a fiduciary responsibility, the board has fiduciary responsibility to all of our shareholders regardless if they own a thousand shares or a million shares. And once we took it public, we have certain restrictions, FTC restrictions; do we unfairly disclose information to one shareholder regardless if they have 27% of the company or 1%, and the answer is no.

Prior to us going public, reentering the public market, yes, they got monthly reports and looked at our financials, and we had shareholder meetings before it went public, and they'd show up and they'd vote for or against various directors and various proposals that were before these shareholders, of which there were four at the time. The Canadian government also put money into the company at the time of the bankruptcy.

ADAM LASHINSKY: So, two last things on this. One is, do you have a sense of what the government's timeline is?


ADAM LASHINSKY: And how often do you communicate with the president? Because this is a very important investment for the U.S. government.

DANIEL AKERSON: Well, I think I've spoken to the president twice.

ADAM LASHINSKY: You mean since you became CEO?

DANIEL AKERSON: Yes, yes. And he visited one of our Detroit area plants with the president of Korea when the free trade agreement was signed between the United States and South Korea.

But I think the president is a supporter of the company, obviously, as was the Bush administration. But objectively, candidly, they don't involve themselves in the day-to-day running of the business.