sobota 12. mája 2012

Martin Bu. Oprava

What do you think about Ben B. ?
What is the QE3 ?
What does Ben B. think about the cost ? 
What does Ben B. think about the Fed´s current policy ?
What does Ben B. think about the rapid improvement in the labour market ? 
Why has the employment been growing ?
Why doesn't he push for more now given the existing forecasts ?
What is the strongest argument ?
What is the policy target ?
What does 2 % rate of inflation mean ? 

nedeľa 6. mája 2012

Gabriela A. oprava

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What was the topic of Bernanke´s speech?
Where Ben Bernanke delivered his speech?
When was the recession?
What is Fed willing to tolerate?
What is the QE3?
How quickly is growing employment per quarter?
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What rate of employment growth is consistent with labour inflation?
What level of inflation the current government want to achieve?

štvrtok 3. mája 2012

Jaroslav B. - oprava

Who is Federal Reserve Chairman?
What is QE3?
What does Ben think about costs?
What did Mr. Duy say about QE3 in article?
When was the deep recession?
What rate of employment growth is in accordance with labour inflation?
What is current policy target?

Jozef B. oprava

Who did give a speech on America's labour market?
What kind of job does Ben Bernanke have?
What does QE3 mean ?
What did Mr Duy say?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate?
Which argument is the strongest?

streda 2. mája 2012

Jakub B.

Election 2012

 On the 10 March 2012 were  parliamentary elections. Winner of these elections is left-oriented party SMER with 44.41%.

I think, that these elections ended  bad for most population under the 30. But a lot of people expected these results, becouse  when rightside parties had power they ruin it. They have many disputes bethween them, so i am not surprised that Smer win it. Also, Smer have a big number of their voters in age 50  and higher, and that is a lot of votes for them.

I mean, that Smer want to do a social policy but now they wil not have enough money for that. So a think that after this 4 years Smer lose lot of their voters becouse the situation in all Europe compel Smer to save money and that their voters dont like.   

General motors company

In this video were speaking Adam Leshinsky and Dan Akerson,who is current CEO and Chairman of the General Motors about the company General Motors and government.
U.S government owned 32% of General Motors, so it`s means that General Motors has a big debt. Government borrowed the General Motors 23 mil. and now these money need to be repaid by US government. In video they talked also that government and General Motors do not cooperate, government do not have representation in a boardroom.
Adam Leshinsky said that he spoken with the president twice and he met him. The president supports the company General Motors.

A wonderland of chocolate

This video is about the largest manufacture chocolate company, Koppers Chocolate. Jeff Alexander is the co-owner of this company. The company started with producing chocolate in 1937, by Alexander's grandfather and David Koppers. Today it produces 450 different kinds of chocolate. When the company starded, they  made  the chocolate lentils. They were only ones, whitch made lentils.Company currently employs around 50 employers and had a profit about 10 to 15 million dollars.

Who is the Federal Reserve Chairman?
What did he suggest in his speech?
What did Bernanke think about rapid improvement in labour markets over the past three months ?
What does Ben Bernanke think about Fed`s current policy?
What will hapen if the economy maintains this pace of improvements?
How quickly is  growing employment per quarter?        
What will happen when the pace of improvement slows?
What is the Fed willing to tolerate and how?
What is the strongest argument?
What does 2% rate of inflation mean?